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2023 Centenarian & Best of our Abilities Contest WINNERS

Congratulations to our 2023 winners and special thanks to our sponsor

Centenarian Winner 
Yarmilla (Yolly) Zaruba
Cambridge House of Swansea
DOB: July 6, 1922

Yolly is celebrating her 101st birthday in this photo. Yolly is at the top of her health for 101 years young. She walks circles around us here in the community and she gets so much out of living here at our Cambridge House of Swansea. She has many friends, companions, and lives life to the fullest while doing activities, which her favorite includes bingo. She has really thrived since moving in and being active every day with her friends and staff.

Best of Our Abilities Winner
Nancy Dow
Heritage Woods of McHenry

Nancy Dow has been a long-time resident at Heritage Woods of McHenry. Nancy was not always able to engage in the communities’ activities, as she was involved with her own health concerns. Being in a wheelchair she felt, kept her from participating in any of the communities’ programs. She was determined to get out of that wheelchair. Eventually, through hard work and determination, her health improved, and she was off and running. Nancy participates in almost every activity now. From parties, fly swatter volleyball, trivia, and crafts. She always has great ideas for activities, volunteers whenever she is needed and currently is the Resident Council President. The best thing about Nancy is that she is a very calm and commonsense thinker. Being the Resident Council President, many of the other residents confide in her to listen to their concerns and answer any questions they may have. Nancy is also a member of the Welcome Home Committee, where she helps new residents get acquainted with others and the day-to-day life in the community.  She is a great mediator for the residents, a fitting example of overcoming one’s personal struggles and the residents trust her. There is nothing Nancy cannot manage when it comes to the balance of life here at Heritage Woods of McHenry.

About AALC's Centenarian Contest

AALC’s Supportive Living (SL) communities have many amazing residents who are living well past 100 years of age. 

We believe their lives should be recognized and celebrated. Each year we award a special prize to Supportive Living’s OLDEST resident that can be enjoyed by the entire community! 

About AALC's Best of Our Abilities Contest

Each year, communities nominate a resident who demonstrates the following qualities:

  • Helping others in the community
  • Participating in activities that display their skills and expertise
  • Demonstrating empathy and sensitivity to others
  • Acting as a positive role model
  • Having an uplifting and positive attitude

Affordable Assisted Living Coalition
P.O. Box 1245
Springfield, IL  62705

AALC is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.


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