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Supportive Living 2024 ACTIVITIES

What Will Your Community Do To Inspire More in 2024?
Check below for information and downloadable posters!

Register a team to compete in Wii Bowling & Trivia tournaments!

2024 Wii Bowling GuideWii Bowling 2024

Learn more & register!

2024 Trivia Guide

Trivia 2024

Learn more & register!

Supportive Living - Inspiring More Activity Guide

Our 2024 theme asks all Supportive Living Communities to show how you're inspiring residents every day to thrive and grow and enjoy! 

We’re asking residents across Illinois to show us how they are inspiring more! Whether it’s walking, painting, reading, or playing a hotly contested game of Wii bowling, we want to highlight how Supportive Living inspires more.

Whatever the activity, Supportive Living is here to ensure seniors and individuals with disabilities have the support they need to lead a fulfilling, happy life filled with friendships and activities designed to keep them happy, healthy and leading enriched lives.

We have provided ideas below to get you thinking about things you can do throughout the year with your residents as they get out more, explore and visit with others. All you need to do is post your activities and photos on Facebook with the tags below. We’ll be compiling pictures from your posts on Facebook and collecting them to display during AALC Annual Meeting in 2024. The slideshow will be played for our members, guests, and elected officials in attendance. What better way to showcase Supportive Living than with a presentation of talented, smiling, happy and active residents who are always inspiring more for themselves and others!!

There are no limits to what you can include in your posts!!

What types of things will you be doing to inspire more in your community?

  • Holding a coloring contest?
  • Featuring your singers and talented residents in a talent show?
  • Holding a theme dance/dinner to celebrate a special day?
  • Recognizing an individual who goes above and beyond to inspire those around them?
  • Planning a special outing to explore a park, a baseball game or visiting an ice cream shop?
  • Holding a walk-a-thon?
  • Setting goals for residents to reach: # of books read, # of miles walked, # of classes attended?
  • Volunteering time/services for a community cause?
  • Writing poems or playing an instrument?

The possibilities are endless, and we want to see them on Facebook! 

Let Us Know How You Are Participating!
Be sure to tag @AALCIllinois and use the hashtags:
so we can track and promote your activities!

Affordable Assisted Living Coalition
P.O. Box 1245
Springfield, IL  62705

AALC is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.


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